Areas of ​​expertise

Family and Social Welfare Law

Defending the rights of insured persons before the various social security bodies (CAF, CPAM, Pôle Emploi in particular) in respect of benefits requested, paid, claimed or recovered: APL, RSA, Activity Allowance, etc.

Maître MARTINEZ assists you before the Commission de Recours Amiable (Amicable Appeal Commission), before the Caisse Médiateur (Fund Mediator) and asserts your rights in litigation before the competent court.

Agricultural law

Defending the rights of insured persons before the MSA in family and social welfare, healthcare and retirement matters within the agricultural scheme

Maître MARTINEZ assists you before the Commission de Recours Amiable (Amicable Appeal Commission), before the Caisse Médiateur (Fund Mediator) and asserts your rights in litigation before the competent court.

Civil Service

Defending the rights of civil servants and non-permanent staff in the State civil service, hospital civil service and local authorities.

Foreign Nationals Law

Defending the rights of foreign nationals in various matters including first residence permit application, renewal of permit, request for family reunification, studies and schooling, French nationality, asylum, challenging deportation orders to the border before the Judge of Prefectural Orders.

Administrative and Civil Liability

Defending the rights of citizens who have suffered damage caused by the Administration.

Defends the rights of individuals who have suffered damage in civil matters.

Tenancy and co-ownership Law

Defending the rights of landlords and/or tenants.

Defending the rights of co-owners and/or syndicate of co-owners